Ok. So there I am in the snacks aisle of my favorite local organic grocer (Mom's on 175 in Joppa) and I make a surprising discovery. There's another beer-flavored potato chip on the market.
For those of you who are familiar with this blog, you will recognize my love for the Kettle Cheddar Beer Potato Chip. I think I've previously referred to it in relation to how it changed my outlook on life.
So when I saw this new Terra Kettles Chesapeake Bay and Beer Potato Chips, I took quick notice.
So, here we've got a chip that posits itself not only as a beer chip, but also a 'Chesapeake Bay' chip.
So who is this 'Terra Kettle' Chip Maker?
Turns out they are a division of the Hain Celestial Group of Melville, New York.
So, since when did the frigging Chesapeake Bay stretch up to New York? Jeez. Do you guys have to claim everything? As any Baltimoron will tell you, 'Chesapeake Bay-flavor' = 'Old Bay Seasoning'. And let me tell you, the Terra Kettles ain't got no Old Bay, hon.
In fact, these are chips that in a taste-test my lovely wife described as 'subtle'. Where, there ain't no 'subtle' when it comes to Chesapeake Bay flavor. Old Bay is strong, kick-your-ass flavor. Something these 'subtle-seasoning' New Yorkers apparently don't understand.
So, listen up Terra Kettle Chips: first of all, change your name. You are just confusing people who are actually looking for Kettle Chips. Second: don't you dare continue to market your weak snacks as 'Chesapeake Bay'. I hereby call on all Marylanders to boycott the purchase of Terra Kettle Chesapeake Bay and Beer Potato Chips. Our flavor will not be co-opted!
That's seriously one of the funniest things I've read in weeks!
If it were meant to be Old Bay flavored, perhaps that would be on the package instead.. but then I'm left wondering who the hell would really want to taste the Bay. Sounds like an icky flavor to me.
It's a great flavor but Utz (Crab Chips) and Herr's (Old Bay Chips) pretty much have the range of "real flavors" covered in their version.
Do Herrs and Utz really sell so many of these chips that there is room in the market for another brand? I find that hard to believe.
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